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Making a Difference Posts

Making a Difference in Others' Lives and the World
May 13, 2024

Exploring the Essence of Truth: A Journey into Perception and Reality

In a world swirling with perspectives and interpretations, the concept of truth stands as an elusive enigma. What is truth? Is it a fixed point in an ever-shifting reality, or is it as fluid as the streams of consciousness that define our existence?…

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Feb. 26, 2024

Navigating the Dichotomy of Purpose: Inner vs External

In the labyrinth of life, two distinct yet interwoven threads guide our journey: inner purpose and external purpose. These dimensions of existence shape our identity, motivations, and contributions, each offering unique insights into the quest for m…

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Feb. 19, 2024

Embrace Your Unique Journey

In a world filled with distractions and noise, the wisdom of spiritual figures like Christ and Buddha offers a timeless beacon of guidance. While their teachings originated millennia apart and in different cultural contexts, the essence of their mes…

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Feb. 5, 2024

The Silent Scourge: Unveiling the Deeper Layers of Bullying and Empowering Change

Introduction: As I was visiting with a friend in Thailand, she expressed her concern about her 8 year old son, who was experiencing ‘bullying’ not only by his peers, but also by his teacher, and the effect it was having on her son&rsquo…

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Dec. 16, 2023

Creating Positive Change: Impactful Acts and the Ripple Effect of Kindness

Making a difference, sparking a ripple effect through impactful acts, defines the essence of humanity. Each instance of kindness, support, or guidance initiates a chain reaction, shaping and transforming the world around us. Often, these impactful …

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