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ADRIAN EMERY Profile Photo

Author, entrepreneur, business owner, environmentalist and keen gardener

Author, entrepreneur, business owner, environmentalist and keen gardener, Adrian Emery has devoted his life to creating a new philosophy called LifeWorks based on understanding the laws, principles and codes that make life work easily, effortlessly and successfully.

Life is a gift, and we are here to enjoy life and be successful: it is our birthright.

Adrian founded and developed several hugely successful health/vegetarian cafes and restaurants along the Eastern seaboard of Australia during the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, eventually publishing The Art of Nourishment in 1995 which encapsulated the ideas, philosophy and recipes developed over that period heralding the concept of cooking with love.

In 2001, he became a management consultant specialising in executive mentoring teaching others how to build businesses based on spiritual principles and harmonious team structures. His fundamental premise is that a happy employee is a productive employee, and that culture precedes performance.
In 2010, Adrian was awarded the CSIA Customer Service CEO of the Year for bringing customer service excellence to the strata industry where he co-built a multi-million-dollar national company with 11 offices and over 180 employees.

Adrian is also a gifted personal counsellor and accountability coach, having developed a coaching modality called TaoTuning designed to assist others to find their life purpose or ikigai and attune to the flow of their inner destiny and fate, establishing their life on the firm foundation of cosmic principles.

Adrian has now retired to Sennikatan, a spectacular garden built over the last 50 years to demonstrate we can regenerate the Earth, and to write and prepare others for the coming planetary transition to a new world. With his partner, Marianne, he has also created rusticspirit as a spiritual retreat for guests to come and experience the stillness.
Adrian has recently published TaoTuning which is the second volume in a three-part series entitled The Temple of Understanding which argues that humanity has lost its way and suffers from a software virus that is blocking the free flow of cosmic creativity, inner joy and unlimited energy that is our natural state.

Adrian teaches that humanity is going through a massive and unprecedented quantum shift in inner consciousness that will lead to a new paradigm and a turbulent upheaval of current geopolitical structures that are robbing the individual of their sovereignty and attempting to dominate the world.
However, because this collectivist thrust is based in fear and control it will not be successful and will not withstand the cosmic forces ushering in the new paradigm of global peace, harmony and oneness.

The political populism, the global geopolitical conflicts, the divergent right and left extremes, the current economic stagflation and the impending empire change are all symptoms of this paradigm shift. It is real and it is happening now. It is inevitable.

His central thesis is that all life is one and learning to live together in peace and harmony is the only path for humanity to survive and thrive. Personal freedom, respect for basic human rights and dignity, and fundamental democratic principles are the cornerstone of this transition.

Humanity also needs to learn to respect the Earth and all the life forms that share this planet if the species is to survive. We need to transform our world view, curb our destructive misbehaviour and become responsible planetary citizens cooperating for the higher good of all beings both human and non-human.
Adrian has dedicated his life to preparing humanity for this traumatic new birth.