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Emma Jones

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Dr. Emma Jones is a zealous advocate for workplace wellness in healthcare. Over her two decades as a physician, she has witnessed the healthcare system reach a breaking point, one that not only harms patients but also pushes physicians and nurses to the brink.

Dr. Jones has witnessed countless colleagues surrender to the relentless pressure—some by quitting, others through heartbreaking losses of life. She also knows the hellish journey of burnout personally having suffered a severe episode that led her to significant change.

Anyone who’s ever been a patient or cared for one understands the dysfunction of our healthcare system. What many don’t see, though, are the regrets expressed by those at the end of life. As a palliative care physician, Dr Jones hears them every day. One of the things she frequently says is that "we don’t have enough time to solve all the problems we see."

Through these experiences, Emma has come to the clear understanding that learning to surrender, love unconditionally, and allow yourself to be cared for are the keys to a peaceful transition out of this life. These skills take decades to cultivate, yet they are the very things that can transform both our personal journeys and the healthcare system itself.

Emma's work with children, reminds her that fun and silliness are often essential elements to resiliency. Life is too short to take anything too seriously.

Dr Jones' mission isn’t to have all the answers but to help more people reach their highest potential, so we can all solve problems more effectively.