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April 21, 2020

Relational Dysfunction - Narcissism

Relational Dysfunction - Narcissism

Relationships, how often do we attract exactly what we don’t need. We are all on a spectrum scale of absorbing the energy around us, and often that can take us in a direction that is not healthy, emotionally or physically. That can attract the wrong...

Relationships, how often do we attract exactly what we don’t need. We are all on a spectrum scale of absorbing the energy around us, and often that can take us in a direction that is not healthy, emotionally or physically. That can attract the wrong people.
I am pleased to have Rita Louise, PhD on the show where she will discuss the concepts from her new book: “The Dysfunctional Dance of The Empath and Narcissist, Create Healthy Relationships by Healing Childhood Trauma”.
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