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Feb. 19, 2024

School Climate and Culture - Time to End Bullying

Bullying is a topic we often choose to avoid, but it is rampant in so many different ways in our culture today. The question is why and what can we do about it. I am pleased to have Cletus Bulach on the show to discuss this.…
Feb. 12, 2024

Overcoming Deep Emotional Trauma - Unusual Approach

Ketamine, known as a medical anesthetic, is gaining traction for its rapid antidepressant effects, as well as suicidal ideation, when used under proper professional guidance. Additionally, plant-based psychedelics are showin…
Feb. 5, 2024

Fiction: Transformative Power in the Imagined Realm

The world of fiction, with its mesmerizing narratives and characters , holds an unparalleled capacity to shape and alter lives. Within the pages of a book, fiction transcends mere entertainment; it becomes a catalyst for cha…
Jan. 29, 2024

Find Peace From Internal and External Turbulence

How can the ancient wisdom of those before us help us find greater personal balance today? That is the focus of today’s show featuring Diane Dreher. Diane will share with us her tremendous insights into the ancients and how …
Jan. 22, 2024

Time To Awaken

What is happening in the world with so much polarity and dissension? Not only worldwide, but also in more personal and locational areas. Ora Nadrich has written her latest book, “Time To Awaken” to address this very issue. A…
Jan. 15, 2024

Deeper Days - Heal and Transform Your Life

When a person experiences childhood abuse in any form, it can affect an individual for life. And yet some take those experiences and turn them into motivation to overcome and show others a path to heal and transform their li…
Jan. 8, 2024

In the Eye of the Father: A Memoir of Faith and Redemption

It is amazing how some who have experienced severe abuse as a child can have an unexpected and blessed realization at some point in their lives and take those experiences and become a new person and an advocate to lift the l…
Dec. 21, 2023

Move Your Body, Enhance Your Mind

So many of us focus on exercise and body movement to enhance and strengthen our bodies, but there lies a hidden secret in those activities. That secret is that some specific body movements actually enhance and relax the mind…
Dec. 18, 2023

The Transformation Promise

28 Days to Love, Joy and Prosperity. Wouldn’t we all love that! Well, it is possible. And my guest, Johanna Derbolowsky will share with us how that can be achieved by dividing and successfully using the physical, mental-emo…
Dec. 11, 2023

Empower the Power of the Zero Stress Zone

Combining different traditions and concepts philosophically can make a big difference in healing those emotional ailments we all experience. Such is the case with my guest today. Peggy Sealfon has a passion and talent for gu…
Dec. 4, 2023

An Unimportant Girl

Many people who have reached the later stages of life have some incredible insights to share with others if they would be willing to be vulnerable and find an avenue to do so. Vivian Knebel is one such person. Vivian will sh…
Nov. 27, 2023

Forgiveness Made Easy

So often in our lives, we hold onto resentments towards individuals and other experiences that may have caused us deep discomfort. And that can ultimately affects the level of joy and happiness that we experience in our live…
Nov. 20, 2023

Stepping Stone

It’s amazing how sometimes fictional stories can be so applicable in real life. Such as the case of the book “Stepping Stone“ which was written by Liv Arnold. Liv uses the romance story inspired by her friend who served in t…
Nov. 13, 2023

The Transformation Promise

28 Days to Love, Joy and Prosperity. Wouldn’t we all love that! Well, it is possible. And my guest, Johanna Derbolowsky will share with us how that can be achieved by dividing and successfully using the physical, mental-emo…
Nov. 6, 2023

Time to Remove Those Emotional Blocks

Alternative approaches to healing diseases and emotional issues is becoming a more and more valid modality that is effective for many people. I am very pleased to have Jenny Mannion on the show today. She experienced her own…
Oct. 30, 2023

Healing Disease in Different Ways

So often life experiences move us in the direction that we never anticipated that we would go. Such is the case with a gentleman by the name of Danny Carroll. His experience with a dear friend, who was suffering from termina…
Aug. 7, 2023

Dancing With Disruption

Every one of us has experienced some type of disruption in our lives, either major or minor. And it can occur at any age in our lives. The real questions becomes, how do we deal with it. I am excited to have Linda Rosetti on…
July 31, 2023

Christmas in July

How often do we take life experiences and be grateful for the lessons. And how often are we guiding our children to develop qualities and values that will serve them well for the rest of their lives. I am happy to have Crai…
June 26, 2023

“If I Die Before I Wake

Each of us experience life. The question is if we experience a life of suffering and frustration, or if we live a life of freedom, love, joy and happiness. I am happy to have Jonathan England on the show. Jonathan has gone o…
May 25, 2023

Mobilize Those Emotions to Spring Forward as a Hero in Your Own Life

Emotional Well Being. This is the goal of each of us for ourselves and for our children. But the statistics are frightening. Mental illness and suicide have become rampant in our communities. And there are some who are acti…
May 15, 2023

Bader Field; How My Family Survived Suicide

Suicide. The rate of suicide is increasing, and there is a focus on prevention. But what about the families that have experienced it in their family? How do they cope, and how can we help as true friends? I am grateful to ha…
May 1, 2023

A Discussion about Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Advocacy

We seem to be experiencing profound increases in disconnection, mental health concerns, isolation, trauma and addiction. There is no one shoe fits all when dealing with these issues. I am pleased to have Jessica Rink on the …
March 13, 2023

Be the Strong Man a Woman Wants

There are always challenges in marriages and relationships. And they are varied as the the types of problems that exist. One of the big challenges that we don't think about is the role that men play or don't play in that rel…
March 6, 2023

Create the Life You Have Always Wanted to Live

The truth is that we are more powerful beyond measure than we give ourselves credit for. And we have unlimited capacity to create. The key is learning how to tap into that creativity to create the live that we truly dream of…