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Inspire Vision Podcast TV Show

July 6, 2023

Be You!

There is so much focus on doing, “do this, do that“. And yet the only time we will really experience a heartfelt and life lasting changes when we can focus on “Be You”. I am excited to have Alice and Robertson on the show, Allison is a cognitive-behavioral expert and…

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June 11, 2023

Elysia Butler says Parents Are Doing Amazing on Inspirevision with Dr. Doug.

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May 23, 2023

Mobilize Those Emotions to Spring Forward as a Hero in Your Own Life

Emotional Well Being. This is the goal of each of us for ourselves and for our children. But the statistics are frightening. Mental illness and suicide have become rampant in our communities. And there are some who are actively seeking to do something about it. I am pleased to have…

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May 15, 2023

Inspire Vision Live Stream

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May 8, 2023

Bader Field: How My Family Survived Suicide

Suicide. The rate of suicide is increasing, and there is a focus on prevention. But what about the families that have experienced it in their family? How do they cope, and how can we help as true friends? I am grateful to have Carl David, author of "Bader Field", a…

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April 26, 2023

A Discussion about Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Advocacy

We seem to be experiencing profound increases in disconnection, mental health concerns, isolation, trauma and addiction. There is no one shoe fits all when dealing with these issues. I am pleased to have Jessica Rink on the show. We will be discussing concepts that can help elevate our loved ones…

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March 12, 2023

Be the Strong Man a Woman Wants

There are always challenges in marriages and relationships. And they are varied as the the types of problems that exist. One of the big challenges that we don't think about is the role that men play or don't play in that relationship I am pleased to have Elliott Katz on…

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March 5, 2023

Create the Life You Have Always Wanted to Live

The truth is that we are more powerful beyond measure than we give ourselves credit for. And we have unlimited capacity to create. The key is learning how to tap into that creativity to create the live that we truly dream of and desire. I am happy to have Felicia…

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Dec. 18, 2022

Quantum Healing - A Unique Approach

The energy of the universe (quantum field) is something that many talk about but sometimes people find it very difficult to access in their own lives. Now there is a solution: Scalar Energy. I am pleased to have Tom Paladino on the show. Tom has studied throughout his life this…

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Oct. 16, 2022

The Seven Queendoms

Women, how often do you feel like you have lost your personal sovereignty in different areas of your life. Well, this is a good show to listen to or watch. I am pleased to have Rima Bonario on the show. Rima is a Dream Weaver, Soul-Coach and Wild-Heart Healer who…

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Oct. 2, 2022

Quantum Healing

As we look at our life experiences, and realize that to a large degree, we are creating those experiences, It can be a challenge to change our life outcomes unless we are willing and courageous enough to become aware of that fact and choose to change. I am excited to…

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Aug. 17, 2022

The Cycle of Emotional Pain

Relationships. They can be a bit of heaven or a bit of hell. And to some degree, it is up to us. I am happy to have Joyce Schafers on the show. Joyce is a best selling author and LIfe Skills relationship coach. Through her own life experiences, she has…

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July 17, 2022

Internal Guidance System - The Path to Emotional Freedom

I am please to have Zen Cryar DeBrucke on the show. Zen has spent years researching and developing the Internal Guidance System, which when people use it, it can open up a whole new way of life of success and happiness. Please join us. Here is a link that you…

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June 26, 2022

The Fix Your Anxiety Handbook

Anxiety is a common emotional experience that probably around 30% of the population experience to one degree or another. I am very excited to have an expert on anxiety, the causes, the symptoms and solutions on the show: Faust Ruggerio. Faust is a clinical psychologist who has focused on this…

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June 22, 2022

90 Seconds to a Life You Love

Neuroscience has evolved into approaches that can radically change people's lives. I am pleased to have Dr. Joan Rosenberg on the show. Joan is a globally acclaimed speaker and expert on commnication, confidence, resilience, authenticity and grief. We will specifically be discussing her new book, 90 Seconds to a LIfe…

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May 8, 2022

Gifts to Achieve a Life of Joy and Freedom

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate" - Carl Jung How often do we become aware enough to recognize that we are not experiencing the life we desire or deserve. Unfortunately not as often as we would like. I am…

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April 3, 2022

The Magic of Neurofeedback to Treat Anxiety, Depression and ADHD

Are you tired of all the meds and therapy visits? Neurofeedback is an exciting and not well know modality that can be very effective in specific cases to help with ADHD, depression and anxiety. I have happy to have Mike Cohen on the show. He has personally experienced the positive…

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March 14, 2022

The Gift of Shift

We all have endured some of life’s brutal blows. And we have gifts within ourselves to including the most important, the gift of choice, to respond to the challenges. I am happy to have Ann Papayoti on the show. She will share the insights she has gained as a result…

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March 13, 2022

The Desire Factor - Achieve Your Dreams

I am pleased to have Christy Whitman on the show. Christy is is a New York Times bestselling author and transformational leader. Christy will talk about how to release those blocks, fears and traumas that are holding us back from achieving the joy and freedom each of us desire.

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Jan. 30, 2022

"Give a Damn: The Ticket to Cultural Change"

“Our own actions both individually and collectively determine the world in which we live” Mark S. Lewis We can make a difference in uplifting the culture of our work place, home and society if we are willing to take the necessary steps. I am pleased to Mark S. Lewis on…

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Jan. 23, 2022

Become a Demon Slayer

"A Slayer is a person who strives to overcome any obstacle wit integrity, love, and compassion. One who is willing to recognize the multiple dimensions we all share through self-acceptance, personal development, and self-healing." So states Tracee Dunblazier, author, spiritual emapath and 20-time national award-winning author. Tracee will talk about…

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Jan. 16, 2022

Coherence Revolution: Be a Conscious Creator of Your Own Life

Mental and emotional stability. That is what we all desire. But sometimes it can be challenging. I have pleased to have Dr. Mark Halpern on the show. Mark has suffered from anxiety since a teen and has sought out every type of therapy possible to deal with it, much to…

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Jan. 2, 2022

The Power of Discord

Discord. We all experience it our lives personally, in relationships, and often as parents with our children. How do we navigate the ups and downs in life and use them in a positive way to build trust, intimacy and resilience? I am pleased to have Ed Tronic, PhD, a developmental…

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Dec. 26, 2021

Life on Pause: Learning to Wait Well

Life on Pause. We all experience pauses in our life direction that we did not expect and often wish we didn't have to experience. The question is how to we respond, and if a negative pause, how can we make it turn into something positive. I am happy to have…

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