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June 16, 2021

Resilience Parenting

How do we, as parents, instill resilience, connectedness, independence and a sense of adventure in our children. I am pleased to have Chris and Holly Santillo on the show. They have had some amazing opportunities and experie…
June 9, 2021

Empower Yourself - Possibility in Action

Life! It has it's ups and downs and often we feel the effect of it more fully than we wish. And yet we have the power to begin to experience life in a yet-to-be manner what brings about peace, joy and adventure that we never…
June 4, 2021

You Can Rise Again When Life Sucks

Stress. We all experience to some degree or another. And when it gets deep and difficult, it is sometimes tough to understand how to help ourselves, or others. I am pleased to have Fran Graham on the show. Fran serves as the…
June 1, 2021

God Came to My Garage Sale

Synchronicity - "the coincidental occurrence of events...that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality"... Carl Jung How many of us experience those events, and yet pass them off as pure coi…
May 28, 2021

Be You!

There is so much focus on doing, "do this, do that." And yet the only time we will really experience a heartfelt and life lasting change is when we can focus on "Be You". I am excited to have Allyson Roberts on the show. All…
May 26, 2021

E Pluribus Unum-It's Time

E Pluribus Unum - "Out of Many, One". That is one of the basic tenets of our founding fathers for this country. And yet, how far have we strayed from that concept! I am pleased to have Brandon Peele on the show. Brandon has …
May 20, 2021

Taking Control - Your Life and Happiness

Transforming your life via transforming your mindset. Easy to say. Not necessarily easy to do. I am pleased to have Eden Gold on the show. Eden is a speaker and mental health advocate, with a focus on GenX and Millenials and…
May 18, 2021

I Said No! Preventing Child Sexual Abuse

The statistic are staggering! One in four young girls and one in six young boys experience sexual abuse. That is unacceptable. And Kimberly King, author of the best-selling , most highly recommended book for children on prev…
May 14, 2021

Joy Bus Journey-Making Life an Adventure

Life - it can be a joyous adventure or it can be an unhealthy experience. I am happy to have Jake Shumate on the show. Jake currently works as a firefighter/Paramedic and has seen it all. He also hosts the program, "Joy Bus …
May 12, 2021

Transformation-It is Possible to Change

Neuroscience. A fascinating study, particularly when that study leads to help others transform their lives into whom they were meant to be. I am excited to have Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas on the show. Nathalie is the Founder …
May 6, 2021

Suicide - Glimmers of hope, peace, love

Suicide, it is a reality that happens and affects family and friends to a depth not often understood. I am pleased to have Thomas Fargnoli on the show. Tom experienced the shock of his wife's suicide and experienced the chao…
May 4, 2021

Expectations:The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Expectations, the inner workings of our thought patterns that can create disciplined achievement or often conflict, anger and stress in our lives and in our relationships. I am pleased to have Ben Winter, author of "What to …
April 30, 2021

Secondary Break: An NBA Dad's Story

Life holds it challenges, and more for some than others. I am pleased to have Marvin Williams Sr. on the show. He has just written the book, "Secondary Break: An NBA Dad's Story". Marvin will share his experiences growing up…
April 27, 2021

Teach The Children

Sometimes there are people that just plain make a difference in other's lives. Such is the case of my guest, Bracha Goetz. Bracha is the author of 40 books, 39 of which are focused children's books teaching them the values t…
April 20, 2021

Brimstone: The Renaissance Man

There are many who have achieved remarkable success as a celebrity, but few who have that inner purpose and drive to make a difference in other people's lives. But we have Brimstone, a well-know celebrity who is probably not…
Feb. 19, 2021

Building Blocks - ADHD

ADHD. A diagnosis that many of us face with our children. And probably one of the most misunderstood. I am please to have Nancy Williams and Vikki Carrel on the show. They are part of the Thorup Tutoring program, where they …
Jan. 26, 2021

Katherine's Quest - Journey to Elation

Elation, joy, exhilaration. These are words that describe the type of life we would all love to experience. I am grateful to have Pat Alva-Kraker on the show. Pat works with business women from all walks of life to achieve s…
Dec. 4, 2020

Making a Difference, One Book at a Time

Making a difference in your community. That is really what it is all about. I am pleased to have Denise Turney on the show. Denise is an author of multiple novels that literally make a difference in the lives of those who re…
Dec. 4, 2020

The Happiness Advocate-Overcoming Grief

Grief. It is something we all experience in our lives at different levels, from losing a loved one to divorce to being isolated from family and friends. And we all respond in different ways, sometimes not in our best interes…
Nov. 24, 2020

Anxiety Disorder and OCD-What Can We Do

Anxiety Disorder and OCD. It is becoming prevalent with our young people, and most are not getting resolved in an effective way. I am pleased to have Dr. Lauren Wadsworth on the show. Dr. Wadsworth with share her keen insigh…
Nov. 10, 2020

Compassion & Collaboration

I believe each of us have an innate desire to lift the lives of others both in life and in business. I am happy to have a good friend, Illens Dort on the show today. Illens has an amazing background, both in business as well…
Oct. 22, 2020

Create A Successful Marriage And Life

Prevention, Resolution. These are two words that can directly be attributed to marriage. How can we develop those habits that will help to create a wonderful marriage, either from the beginning, or from where we find ourselv…
Oct. 20, 2020

Transform Your Life From the Roots

So many of us have traveled the road of self discovery in so many ways, and yet have not found the results hoped for. And many of us are struggling with the consequences of the Covid Pandemic. I am happy to have Royce Morale…
Oct. 5, 2020

Unleash the Power:Train Your Brain

Are you succumbing to the new "normal" of today, or are you taking charge of your life and transitioning to a better one. I am pleased to have Faust Ruggiero on the show. Faust is an acclaimed psychologist and has spent over…