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Sept. 30, 2020

The Inner Manager - Creating Your Future

I am very pleased to have Dr. Ron Dalrymple on the show. Dr. Ron has a PhD in psychology and has spent years in actual clinical studies, as well as research to develop the Quantum Field Psychology theory of the mind. Dr. Ron…
Sept. 28, 2020

To The Moon and Back - A Story of Hope

Extremism of any kind can be so damaging to ourselves and others. And those caught up in those extremist situations can have a very difficult time escaping. And to be fair, often we can be in a "non-extremist" situation that…
Sept. 23, 2020

Clarity In The Chaos

We talk often about our computer operating systems being hacked and how to work through that and then prevent it in the future, but how often do we think about our own personal life operating system being hacked? And how can…
Sept. 21, 2020

Don't Box Me In

Don't Box Me In. How often do we find ourselves not feeling like we can move forward in our lives. I am very pleased to have Lana Reid on the show with us. Lana is an award winning author, coach, and professional speaker, as…
Sept. 16, 2020

Fragmented - Struggling with ADHD

How many of us have personally experienced the challenge of being told that we, or our child, is ADHD. Often that indicates a struggle of being labeled "disabled" or personally struggling with doing well in school and/or oth…
Sept. 15, 2020

Embracing Life - Overcoming Anxiety

Embracing Life with Courage and Joy! That is the key to an abundant life. And anxiety can definitely prevent us from doing that, especially when the anxiety begins to take over our life. I am very pleased to have the team at…
Sept. 14, 2020

It's Never Too Late - Achieve Your Dream

What do we do when we discover that the path we are on personally and professionally is not the path that is true to ourselves. And how do we redirect ourselves and our lives. I am happy to have Traci Neal, author and motiva…
Sept. 9, 2020

Enhancing Educational Culture

How can the culture and climate of both regular school and home/online school be enhanced? I am happy to have Dr. Cletus Bulach on the show. Cletus has written numerous articles and books on the factors that can make the dif…
Sept. 7, 2020

Kindness & Compassion: Second Chances

There are many around us that face a situation of hopelessness in the lives, which brings about actions that are not in harmony with the community and society. They deserve, in many cases, second chances. I am pleased to ha…
Sept. 2, 2020

Dream Big

It is always amazing and wonderful to hear the story of someone who has experienced the depths of trauma and abuse, almost had their life ruined, and has come out the other side well, happy and contributing to the lives of o…
Aug. 31, 2020

Seven Steps to Improve Your Health

Addiction is one of the largest problems we are facing, and yet there is one addiction that we tend to ignore. That is the addiction to food, and the bad stuff that is affecting our overall well being and health. I am please…
Aug. 26, 2020

Motivated to Marry

For you single folks out there, here is a fascinating journey in to "How to Find and Keep YOur Ideal Romantic Partner". With the isolation and social distancing that many are experiencing, It can be tough to find that "perf…
Aug. 24, 2020

The Pleasure Ladder

How can we find more joy and reach a point of transcendency in our lives. I am grateful to have Bracha Goetz back on the show to discuss her discoveries as she has promoted her book, Searching For God In The Garbage. Bracha …
Aug. 19, 2020

A Journey to Successful Home Schooling

During this time of the Covid-19 Pandemic, many parents are struggling with the idea of sending their children back to school. And the idea of home schooling can be daunting. I am happy to have Barbara Braendelein on the sho…
June 1, 2020

The 13 Golden Pearls to Happiness

A near death experience can change anyone. Either they begin to live in fear, or they break through the barriers to live an empowered and purpose-driven life. Such is the case with Harriet Tinka, co author of "The Secrets to…
June 1, 2020

The Secrets to Living a Fantastic Life

Often life trauma creates new opportunities. Such is the case for Dr. Allen Lycka, world renowned cosmetic dermatologist when he was advised in 2003 that he would die within 6 months. Fast forward, 2020, and Dr. Lycka is now…
May 28, 2020

Coping With Suicide in Your Family

Suicide. The rate of suicide is increasing, and there is a focus on prevention. But what about the families that have experienced it in their family? How do they cope, and how can we help as true friends? I am grateful to ha…
May 12, 2020

It's Time to Talk About Teenage Suicide

Statistics show that daily, approximately 3041 students in grades 9 through 12 attempt to die by suicide. And many of us have been touched by the trauma of suicide by a friend, loved one, or family member. I am pleased to ha…
May 12, 2020

Secrets to Longevity

We are living longer than ever before as a people. The question is if we are thriving, happy, healthy and wise. I am pleased to have Judy Gaman, award winning author, speaker, radio show host, and expert on longevity. Judy w…
May 8, 2020

Setting Boundaries in Your Life

Boundaries. How often have we found ourselves in co-dependent relationships where we have not learned how to set boundaries for our own personal happiness. I am pleased to have Sarah Griffiths on the show today. Sarah is a c…
May 8, 2020

Getting Your Business Started Again

As the Corona Virus Pandemic is slowing down, and states are allowing businesses to open up again, there are many who are not sure how to get started again. They are devastated! I am pleased to have Stephanie Scheller, and a…
May 7, 2020

You Have to Get Lost To Be found

So often we find ourselves in a "mid-life crisis", which can happen at any time in our lives when we discover our lives are out of balance. Perhaps we are focusing in one or two areas to the neglect of other equally importan…
May 1, 2020

Technology- The Future is Here

“Opening up the world of technology to high school students creating economic opportunities by providing technology certifications and leadership skills.” This is the mission of Paul Day, CEO and Founder of Innovate Tech Cha…
April 21, 2020

Visualize and Create Your Ideal Life

Emotional Abuse. Often conscious, often unconscious. But it can have the same effect on our subconscious and on our lives. I am pleased to have Sarah Griffiths on the show today. She focusses on helping people who have exper…